Debra Kempf Shumaker
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I’ve always been a read­er. Grow­ing up on a small dairy farm in Wis­con­sin with my par­ents and eight sis­ters, I was a qui­et, shy girl. Books were my friends. My favorite day each week was Library Day at school.

Through all of life’s twists and turns, books have been my con­stant. I need them and they are in every room of my house.

When I became a Mom, I redis­cov­ered children’s books and real­ized I want­ed to be more than a reader—I want­ed to write pic­ture books.

I write from my home in North­ern Vir­ginia where I live with my hus­band, three sons, and two cats. When I’m not read­ing or writ­ing, I like to watch Jeop­ardy, gar­den, and be outdoors.

I also cohost #PBPitch, a Twit­ter pitch par­ty for pic­ture books. Find out more at

Debra in first grade
Debra in first grade