Debra Kempf Shumaker
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Press Kit


Debra Kempf Shu­mak­er start­ed read­ing at the age of four and has­n’t stopped since. She grew up on a small dairy farm in Wis­con­sin but now lives in the sub­urbs of North­ern Vir­ginia with her hus­band, three sons, and two cats. Debra is the author of Freaky, Funky Fish, Pecu­liar Pri­mates, Tell Some­one, and the upcom­ing Wind Is a Dance. When she isn’t read­ing or writ­ing, she enjoys hik­ing, gar­den­ing, and watch­ing Jeop­ardy.


Debra is repped by James McGowan & Sophie Sheumak­er at Book­Ends Literary.

Links To Full Size Cover Images/Book Info

Downloadable Author Photos/Bios

Upcoming Events

  • Octo­ber 5th, 2024: Launch of “Wind is a Dance” at Scrawl Books, Reston, VA, 2 pm. Details here.
  • Octo­ber 6th, 2024: Read­ing of “Wind is a Dance”, Birch Tree Books, Lees­burg, VA, 11:30 am. Details here.
  • Octo­ber 12, 2024: “The Sci­ence of Wind”, Fall for the Book Fes­ti­val, Fair­fax, VA, 12 pm. Details here.
  • Octo­ber 19th, 2024: Hern­don Chil­dren’s Book Fes­ti­val. Details here.
  • Novem­ber 16, 2024: Books by the Banks Book Fes­ti­val, Cin­n­ci­nat­ti, OH.
  •  Novem­ber 21–24, 2024: Two Author Pan­els at NCTE, Boston, MA

Audio / Video Interviews

Blog Interviews

Debra Shumaker
Debra Shu­mak­er
(pho­to: Yan­ka Photography)